Registration and Hotel


Fee Schedule
PHM Conference

Registration Type Early (until 9/1/15) Regular (through 10/5/15) Late/Onsite (begins 10/6/15)
Professional $950 $1,100 $1,250
Professional One-Day* $500 $650 $800
Recruiter $1,150 $1,300 $1,450
Recruiter One-Day* $500 $650 $800
Student $500 $550 $600
Student One-Day* $300 no increase no increase
Guest Banquet Ticket $150 no increase no increase
Guest Social Program Ticket** $270 no increase no increase


* includes the workshop on day attending. One-day registrations do not include the conference banquet. One-day registrants may purchase a Guest Banquet Ticket ($150) to attend the conference banquet.

**Guest Social Program includes admission to 2 Receptions (Monday & Tuesday) and the Conference Banquet at the Hotel Del Coronado (Wednesday.)

Two-Day Short Course: PHM Fundamentals

Registration Type Early (until 9/1/15) Regular (through 10/5/15) Late/Onsite (begins 10/6/15)
Professional or Student Standalone $925 $1,075 $1,225
Professional with Conference Registration $525 $600 $675
Student with Conference Registration $275 $325 $375


Cancellation Policy
Cancellations are allowed if requested on or before September 14, 2015 . In case of cancellation, your registration fee will be refunded minus a 25% cancellation fee. Cancellations after that date will forfeit the registration fee.

Hotel Registration

Remember to Book Your Lodging!

PHM Society is pleased to offer discounted rates at the following hotel:

Hotel alternatives within walking distance:

Please contact us if you have any questions on the process or the schedule.